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Voicing: SATB choir, string quartet, piano
duration: 5'30"
Commissioned by Dr. Austin Thorpe for Maple Mountain High School
Click here to view the perusal score.
coming soon
*This is a digital score (PDF) & comes with separate string parts
What I have known here
Is the measure and taste
Of shadow, though some days
Peel into layers of light, ringing
The bell of me, swinging my heart
From a string on the wind despite
The smoke in my belly, despite
The choke of seeing and knowing
Only in part, as a cherubim blind in all
But one eye, a finless fish in the water
Of her being. What I have known
With sweet and close knowledge is pain,
and I must be grateful to know something
—knowing is a gift. I wonder whether Icarus,
Dying, rejoiced to know the sun, rejoiced to have
That single moment
Of nearness
-Haley Hodges Schmid